
Open Show 2017 Results

The SWGDC Open Show took place on Sunday 12th November 2017 at Brean Leisure Park.

Judge: Mr Jim Sneddon (Thornbrae)


Best in Show: Burns, Armour & Hooker's dog Garsak Sir Rod Stewart

Reserve Best in Show & Best Opposite Sex: Liddell's Gretadane Mel Bee JW

Best Puppy in Show: Sneddon's Culseandanes House of Tully


Judges Report: Jim Sneddon (Thornbae)

My thanks to the Committee for providing the opportunity to judge this show and thanks also to the exhibitors. A pleasing entry with all dogs and bitches shown in nice condition- a credit to their owners

MPD: 1)Seddon’s Zefather’s Freedon Fighter at Tenya, substantial minor puppy in good bone, correct head shape and ear set, well bodied. Stood four square.

2)Hall’s Zefather’s Under My Skin, pleasing head shape with elegant neck into good shoulders, good forward and rear angulation and playful spirits.

PD:1)Sneddon’s Culzeandanes Tyrion The (IMP) BPD solid and substantial PD with strong head, clean neck into well laid shoulders, well bodied overall, cat like feet and moved out well.

2)Greirson and Griffon’s Griffondane Athos pleasing puppy overall, with nicely formed head, ears held high, moved out well.

JD:1)Bishton’s Jaydania Bjorn Borg, substantial fawn, well balanced throughout with correct head planes and ear set, dark eyes and good drop of lip, well angled throughout, moved out well.

2)McGowan’s Kinnegans Twisted Fire Starter, not as strong in head as (1) but nevertheless pleasing overall shape, moved out well

YD:1)Burns, Armour & Hooker’s Garsak Sir Rod Stewart BIS strong headshape with dark eyes, ears held high, strong neck into good shoulders, stood four square on catlike feet, strong front overall with masculine appearance moved well with topline held on the move.

ND:1)McDonnell’s Keirkanes Introduction to Trijondane, 2 yrold dog who decided to play up for his handler making overall assessment of his qualities challenging,  however overall pleasing outline.

PGD:1)Ingram’s Dainmajik The Wizard, pleasing head, dark eyes and ear set and good dentition, would prefer a little more rear angulation but moved out well.

LD:1)Cranfield’s Zefather Heartbreaker, a little broad in skull, ears set low, sloped on stand from shoulder to croup, moved out well.

SpV:1)Black’s Bandwar Happy as Larry JW ShCM, harlequin male with good shape, nicely marked, tight feet standing four square, topline level and held on the move

2) Flannigan’s Dainmajik Dante for Soupury, mantle dog with strong head in good weight with solid body, straight front, tight feet sound movement.

SpOFD:1) McGowan’s Kinnegan Twisted Fire Starter

2) Cranfield’s Zefather’s Heartbreaker

SpOBrD:1)Harrison’s Droolakiss Re Attraction Via Emaneaz, substantial brindle, beautifully marked with strong head, dark eyes, pleasing front assembly well angled throughout moved with drive and purpose

2)Flannigan’s Dainmajik the Enchanter for Soupury another strong brindle with good overall body and well filled in front. Croup slightly sloping off. Low in pasterns with reasonable movement.

SpOBlueD: 1)Pepper’s Sarawen Archdeacon level head planes with correctly arched neck into well laid shoulders, deep chest, moved with driving action from the rear.

SpOBlackD:1)Pepper’s Danemoor Blackwatche for Sarawenpleasing head with dark eyes, ears correctly held, nicely arched neck into good shoulders, level topline held when moving, reasonable angles and moved with drive.

2)Battersby & Williams Jildadanes Invictus of Internos, masculine appearance, well bodied, strong head, moved with drive

SpOHD:1)Pocock’s Tamzdane Oh My Apple Pie JW presented a pleasing outline, lovely markings, soft but alert expression, strong head, tight feet, attributes all in proportion, nicely angled,level topline held on the move and moved driving from the rear.

2)Hugill’s Shalrace the Maestro well marked harlequin with strength in head and neck, good shoulders, tight feet with level topline held on the move.

SpOMD:1)Burton’s Ravendane Deal Me with Elbarevolyoungster with  overall pleasing shape, light springy movement, moving well round the ring

2)Kelleway’s Damarkhann  Marquisite correct head shape, with strong neck, well proportioned and correct croup, tentative on the move

OD:1) Donnelly’s Primus Breakin News,RBD pleasing outline, good balance throughout, alert expression with dark eyes with correct ear set and drop of lip, strong front good angles throughout, moved with purpose.

2)Steve’s and Squires Carranisle Masked Monsieur at Tarbordane, masculine well bodied male with pleasing head, strong neck, topline held, let down slightly on the move on this occasion.

MPB:1) Cranfield’s Zefather’s Shine On, playful youngster with good overall shape, pleasing head with nicely arched neck into good shoulders, soft expression, well angled for her age.

2)Middleton’s Taysca Must be Cartier, feminine black mpbwith pleasing outline, nicely developing head and earset, soft expression, good top line and moved out well

PB:1)Sneddon’s Culseandanes House of Tully BP substantial bitch shown in good condition with correct head planes, dark eye, soft expression, good drop of lip, well assembled front with good angulation throughout. Moved with drive and purpose.

2) Middleton’s Taysca Must be Cartier

JB:1)Allison’s Honeysuckle, feminine bitch with level head planes, dark eyes, ears held high, quizzical expression, solid in profile with flowing neck into well laid shoulders, tight feet balanced overall but would prefer just a little more rear angulation. Moved well

2)Bishton’s Jaydania Steffi Graf, another sound bitch with feminine qualities, nice in profile with tight feet four square, pinned slightly on the move on this occasion but moved with drive

YB:1)Liddell’s Greatdane Mel Bee RBIS/BoS, quality fawn bitch, level head planes, dark eyes, soft expression but alert and ready to go, ample angulation well proportioned and feminine appearance, moved with driving action from the rear

2)Tempest’s Adoreadane Just the Ticket JW Quality harlequin bitch, nicely marked, pleasing head shape, nicely arched neck, well placed shoulders, moved out well.

NB:1) Cranfield’s Zefather’s Shine on

PGB:1)Morgan’s Samdice in your Honor at Rimor(AI). Presented in nice condition with pleasing profile outline, feminine head shape with good head planes, good drop of lip,overall nicely balanced with springy movement – moved with purpose and with drive.

LB:1)McGuiness’s Garsak Knowing Dinahtron, pleasing shape overall with soft expression, pleasing ear carriage, level topline rather timid on this occasion but moved out well

2)Burton’s Ravendane Enchanting Dream at Elbarevolpresented a nice shape in profile, would prefer just a little more strength in head, sound mover.

SpVetb:1)Dyson’s Samdice written in the Stars JW six yr old lady in lovely condition showing dash and dare, well proportioned body standing four square and ready for action. Cat like feet, good angulation and moved around the ring like a youngster.

2)Ingram’s Dainmajik the Sorceress ShCM another six year old shown in nice condition with well proportioned head and good balance throughout moved around the ring well

SpOFb:1)Dyson’s Written in the Stars JW

2)Morgan’s Samdice In Your Honor at Rimor

SpOBrb:1)Lawson & Hunter’s Droolakiss Stripe a Posesubstantial nicely marked brindle with pleasing head shape, dark eyes and ears held high good angles throughout and level topline held on the move.

SpOBlueb:1)Price’s Ch Leamap Iron Maiden feminine appearance with alert expression, stood four on tight catlike feet, correct shoulder placement solid topline held when moving, moved with drive from the rear.

2) Middleton’s Dornoir Ain substantial blue with pleasing profile, a little broad in skull. Correct front/rear angulation and moved with drive.

SpOBlackb:1)Black’s Bandwar Taylor Made 11 month old youngster with sweet expression, showing alertness and dash. Well proportioned body with pleasing head and true movement.

2) Middleton’s Taysca Must be Cartier

SpOHb:1)Ellis-Khanna’s Ravendane Maleficent for Harvaxe, nicely marked harlequin presented in good body and good proportions throughout, feminine head with soft expression, ears carried well, well arched neck into well laid shoulders, moved with rear drive.

2)Pocock’s NL CH Ravendane Frozen with TamzdaneJW,NJK,CW’16AW,’16,ShCM another feminine quality bitch, nicely marked with head slightly broad skull, well proportioned with good angles fore and aft moved out well.

OB:1) Hooker,Lockey & Armours Garsak Adaption nicely presented bitch with correct head proportions, alert expression and ears held high, good overall body shape, tight feet, level topline held in movement and moved with drive.

2)Lawson & Hunters’ Droolakiss Gold N Glamour strong bitch throughout with correct head shape good length of foreface, well angulated and solid movement.

J Sneddon















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