a) The Officers of the Committee shall serve for a period of three years in office; the remaining Committee members shall retire after a two-year term. All retiring Officers and Committee members may seek re-election.
b) In the event of an Officer leaving Office prior to the completion of his-her 3 year term, a temporary replacement shall be elected, when ever possible, from within the body of the Committee. At the next AGM, a replacement Officer shall be elected. Any person elected to fill an Office, which has been vacated in mid term, shall in the first instance, serve only the remaining term of the vacated Office. At the AGM following the completion of the vacated term, the Office must once again be the subject of an election, at which, the incumbent may seek re-election.
c) All serving Officers and Committee members shall be deemed to stand again unless they inform the Secretary to the contrary, in writing, on or before the 30th. November preceding the A.G.M.
d) The procedure for electing Officers and Committee shall be by means of a postal ballot.
e) In the event of the combined number of Committee members seeking re-election and members seeking election not exceeding the total number required to fill all Committee posts, a postal ballot shall not be required and those so nominated shall be declared elected by the members present at the A.G.M.
f) In the event of a postal ballot being required, the Hon. Secretary shall send to each paid up member, not less than twenty-eight days before the date of the A.G.M:
I) A voting paper, which also indicates the date by which it should be returned to the custodian.
II) An envelope in which to return the voting paper.
III) A separate form to be signed by the voter as follows:
I have recorded my vote on the voting paper supplied which has been sealed
and sent to the custodian. Signed........................
g) The envelope containing the voting paper and the separate signed form is to be sent by the voter, at least fourteen days before the date of the A.G.M. directly to a non-member custodian, who shall retain it until the A.G.M. The envelopes containing the votes shall be opened and the votes counted at the A.G.M. by three scrutineers who shall have been appointed by the Committee, two of whom should be non-members of the Club. Such counting shall take place immediately prior to the start of the A.G.M. at which the results shall be reported and the papers laid upon the table for the inspection of those members present.
The nominees with the highest number of votes shall be deemed elected.
h) All paid up members over the age of 18 years are entitled to vote.