Nomination for the Committee
a) Any person who has been a member for at least two consecutive years immediately prior to the A.G.M. is eligible for nomination to the Committee.
b) Any nomination must have a proposer and seconder both of whom must be current members of at least two years standing at the time of the A.G.M. together with the signed consent of the nominee. Such nominations together with the membership renewal subscription for all three parties shall be in the hands of the Secretary not later than the thirty-first day of December preceding the Annual General Meeting.
c) A member seeking election as an Officer of the Committee may also stand for election as an ordinary Committee member in the event of being unsuccessful in their original nomination. A second nomination is not required, they need only indicate their willingness to stand when sending in their original nomination.
d) No member accepting nomination for any position on the Committee of the Club shall serve as a member of, hold any Office in, or allow their name to be nominated for election to any Office or Committee of any other Great Dane Club.
e) The Committee may co-opt not more than three members, with full voting rights to fill casual vacancies. Co-opted members leave the Committee at the next A.G.M. but may offer themselves for election. The Officers shall be ex-officio members of all Sub-Committees with the Secretary and Treasurer having full voting rights. In the event of equality of voting the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
f) In the case of insufficient nominations for the Committee prior to the A.G.M., nominations shall not be accepted from the floor of the Meeting.
g) No person whilst an undischarged bankrupt may serve on the Committee of or hold any other Office or appointment within a Kennel Club Registered Society.